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Letter to the editor: City staff unhelpful answering questions

"Why are city employees so inadequately prepared to assist the public?"
The area of a proposed, multi-phase subdivision including a mix of single-family houses and duplexes is seen.

We just read the Arthur Williams article on the new subdivision planned for the Hart. We do not know how many local residents were sent a copy of the public notice. Subsequently I sent the following information to City Council members.

Subject: Rezoning amendment to Bylaw No 7850 to 9348.

Subject property: Dawson Road (PID: 015-258-360)

We received a letter from the city regarding this amendment.

The letter states that "A copy of the application and related documents are available for review at the Development Services office on the 2nd Floor of City Hall on March 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13, 2023 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m."

We attended City Hall this morning (March 8th) to review the application and related documents and no one in the Development Services office knew anything about the development or amendments. The staff were most unhelpful.

This inadequacy is inappropriate as the documents were supposed to be available since March 3.

How are we expected to provide comments when we are not able to review the information?

Why are city employees so inadequately prepared to assist the public?

The public notice further states that the applicant has agreed to two (2) Section 219 covenants, which greatly impact the density of the development.

However, the document included for first and second readings at your March 13th meeting does not incorporate these covenants.

The 3.1 hectares rezoning application is only about one-sixth of the area approved for future development so density is a huge issue in maintaining the character of the surrounding neighbourhood.

The total area of the development and total number of single-family homes and duplexes planned for the “multi-phase residential subdivision” was not included in the public notice.

A public hearing will not be held because the application is consistent with the OCP. We have found some discrepancies with this statement.

This application needs to be postponed at the March 13th meeting and an extended period for public review provided.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Joseph and Dianne Gagne

Prince George