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Letter to the editor: Fight crime with the return of corporal punishment

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Canada is supposed to be a civilized country. There is policing and a judicial system that is supposed to keep citizens safe. Or so I thought!

With the ongoing rash of theft and vandalism happening, the swinging door policy of charging perpetrators and just letting them go, is wrong.

I’m starting to think that the general public should start taking matters into their own hands.

Some cultures, a long time ago, used to cut off the hand of a pickpocket or thief. I almost want to see that again, but I feel a thief should have his hand placed on a solid table and have it smacked (real hard) with the flat side of a shovel.

I’m of the mind that the general public has to “come undone” to wake up this idiotic judicial system that we have right now.

When the general public is basically shoved to the side and the thieves and murderers rule the roost, something has to be done.

Kerry Ness, Lillooet