Lots of homeowners go to extraordinary effort and expense to decorate/light up their properties for the enjoyment of others that happen to drive/walk/cycle by. Awesome.
It occurred to me that if there was a similar effort in the apartment blocks in town, that it would be even more amazing. Anything over three storeys is visible from a greater distance than a single-storey house, and the displays would also be visible, some from blocks away.
However, many apartment dwellers are likely thrilled they can pay their rent on time, possibly less motivated to spending money to decorate/light their balconies for the momentary enjoyment of others.
And presumably most apartment block owners are driven by ROI, not by how amazing their apartment block would look at Christmas.
Power/electricity costwise, a string of 100 LED lights uses about seven watts. At the Step 2 rate for residential ($0.1408/KWH), it would cost (GST included), about 2.5 cents per 24 hours.
Anyone got any ideas how to make this happen, maybe for next year? Maybe a contest for each apartment block, or a town-wide contest for best /highest participation rate for apartment blocks three stories or more?
Steve Cutts
Prince George
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