Whatever is going on in the school board these days is a travesty. And so is the wordsmithing wonder that is the statement released by the board of education chair explaining the departure of yet another superintendent and two trustees.
The picture I’m getting is much like another frequently seen on the news these days. Russian citizens, when questioned by reporters about their opinion on the war in Ukraine, look furtively around before offering resigned and noncommittal comments because to do otherwise would jeopardize their careers, reputations, or worse.
Let me try and read between the lines, and there are many to read between: one or more special interest groups (which I’d be happy to name but won’t due to the risk of censor) have, in the current bizarre political climate, entirely disproportionate dominance and control. They’re forcing a self-serving agenda and are using their influence to fire, expel, or otherwise cancel school board members who don’t sing their mantra. And they won’t stop till they get their way.
If I’m wrong, then I apologize but also ask that someone explain the situation in plain language that I can understand. No trite words or politically correct phrases - just tell it like it is. This unchecked nonsense is tearing apart the society we all depend on for education, employment, and an inclusive future that treats everyone the same.
Terry Receveur
Prince George