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Letter to the editor: Recycling in the Robson Valley is worse than before the ‘fix’

It creates a mindset of 'why bother, just throw it in the trash or burn it,' a reader writes today

To the Fraser-Fort George Regional District chair and board of directors: I have been a taxpayer in this regional district for more than 50 years.

Though I seldom use them, I don’t mind being taxed to support the arena and gym in McBride, local schools, or TV services.

However, I do mind being taxed for a recycling service that we no longer have access to.

Recycling in the Robson Valley was started by a local non-profit in the late ‘80s, Valley Recycling. Eventually it was taken over by the regional district and that was a good thing.

I certainly didn’t mind paying for the service. Recycling collection was centralized in McBride, Valemount and Dunster and the variety of materials collected was increased, also good.

However, now most recycling collection in the Valley is centralized in Valemount.

It’s good that the categories acceptable there have significantly increased to include Styrofoam, small batteries, and others. However, that’s quite a drive from

McBride or Dunster or even further west; a two-hour round trip or more.

The drive is quite costly in time, fuel expense, and carbon footprint, which does not justify the small good done by recycling efforts.

It creates a mindset of “why bother, just throw it in the trash or burn it.”

The situation has become worse than the short-term inconvenience promised by the RDFFG and must be fixed.
Please fix this!

Roy Howard