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Letter to the editor: Snow removal situation is a sad sign of the state of the city

'Surprisingly to me, no one from the city chose to comment about this issue'
City crews clean-up some of the snow built up along Pine Street Wednesday March 5, hoping to get prepared for street cleaning to start in the next few weeks.

Re: City to consider reducing snow removal service on holidays

I am utterly dismayed by the callous disregard for the taxpayers of this city being exhibited by the City of Prince George.

In a recent article regarding the snow removal budget the city reiterated that it is over budget for snow removal, and was considering cutting back on snow removal during statutory holidays in order to reduce the cost of said snow removal.

Meanwhile, many readers commented/complained that the city was plowing and hauling roads and snow that did NOT require any action from the city due to the lack of snow and spring-like conditions, and that to do so was nothing more than a waste of taxpayer funds.

Surprisingly to me, no one from the city chose to comment about this issue, and defend the city's actions in regards to this ongoing situation.

In fact, just the opposite seems to be happening as here we are a week or so later after more sunshine and warm weather the same thing is continuing to happen.

On March 3 while out and about I observed city dump trucks hauling snow to the snow dump.

Not only is it shocking and disappointing that this is happening, but it is troubling to say the least that in light of this obvious waste of money that members of the city council are unsure how they can save money on the snow removal budget. The answer seems glaringly simple to me. Shame on council for allowing this to happen.

Greg Chappell

Prince George