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Letter to the editor: Urgent and Primary Care Clinic has gone downhill since changes

A senior without a family doctor offers thoughts on the recent changes
The Urgent and Primary Care clinic often has lineups around the building.

Since Northern Health and other authorities in B.C. have taken over our health care it has landed in the toilet! They do not pay our doctors and nurses what they are worth, they restrict doctors work in so many ways, what they pay them, how many patients they can see per day. They do not care about our citizens.

I am 76 years of age and without a family doctor the past four years, the first time in my life and possibly the most important time of my life not to have a doctor.
Go to a clinic, stand in line for over an hour just to see if you can get in that day, they take 50 people … oops, I am No. 51, come back tomorrow, same scenario that day too will you get in. Maybe.

More doctors would probably help and support this old clinic’s new structure if it was worth their time and energy but Northern Health would rather prosper and spend on other things instead of what is actually needed by the people of Prince George.

Please note that I am not knocking the clinic’s doctors and staff. They are doing what they can with what they are restricted to.

Karen Buckley
Prince George

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