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Letter to the editor: Why burning outside school?

Right now, there are a lot of angry people out there, in some cases for good reason, but that is no excuse to do something like this in public place where kids play.
The remains of a fire on the Ron Brent Elementary School playground.

This letter is not really an opinion but is more of a question as to whether anyone can tell me what the attached photo represents. While driving up 17th Avenue, I noticed a large cross bolted to an aspen tree right on the corner of the Ron Brent school playground. It was heavily burned as though someone had thrown gasoline on it and it looked like there was some other material at the base of it burned as well.

I'm not a religious person so not concerned that it was a cross but I wonder why they thought it was the thing to do and the place to do it. Regardless of who did this or why, did they really need to do it at an elementary school? Right now, there are a lot of angry people out there, in some cases for good reason, but that is no excuse to do something like this in public place where kids play.

We all need to slow down, take a breath, and think about the things we say and do because in the end we all have to live here together.

Deanna Rogers

Prince George