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Snow happens, deal with it

The discussion of snow removal has fallen short of what one might call civil discourse. I refer in particular to the letter my Mr. Tosoff (Jan. 8 Citizen) which I found distasteful.

The discussion of snow removal has fallen short of what one might call civil discourse. I refer in particular to the letter my

Mr. Tosoff (Jan. 8 Citizen) which I found distasteful.

Bear in mind that snow falls in a few large lumps, which might happen at inconvenient times, separated by periods of little or no snow. If the city had enough equipment and staff to clear the large dumps in two or three days, there would be periods when a lot of expensive equipment and workers sat idle. Not many of us would like that.

So folks, there will be times when we have to behave like adults and suck it up.

Ross Pearce,

Prince George