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Liberals have failed miserably

A letter to Gordon Campbell: I am a senior citizen and I know the HST will hurt me. You can peddle all the so-called stats all you want, but the HST will hurt people like me who are on fixed incomes.

A letter to Gordon Campbell:

I am a senior citizen and I know the HST will hurt me. You can peddle all the so-called stats all you want, but the HST will hurt people like me who are on fixed incomes. Your representative here in Prince George will not answer any of our concerns.

I am so incredibly disappointed with your government. From the carbon tax (we have no public transit where I live) to putting the prices of camping at campgrounds up, you have managed to take away even the simple inexpensive holidays we allowed ourselves. And don't bother to pat yourself on the back because you've "lowered" income taxes. You've more than made up for it with all the other fees and taxes you've imposed. Are you sure you're not related to King John or the Sheriff of Nottingham?

No more of those rare salon haircuts I allowed myself. Thank God I'm healthy and don't need expensive meds. Couldn't afford meals out anyway, so that's not going to be missed, but it would be nice not to worry about paying for hydro.

All in all, you have failed miserably to make life for the common everyday person any better than it was before you came in. In fact, you've made it worse.

I now have to pay for chiropractor, physio, optometrist, you've cut down on compensation benefits. Therefore, because we cannot afford these "extras" we just deal with the pain we elderly people sometimes get. You are selling out the people who made this province great.

It's not only seniors you are hurting, anyone with a low income feels the stress and pain of struggling to make ends meet. In your arrogance you won't even put up the minimum wage, and no, the people who work at low paying jobs do not get higher wages on average. In many places they get only as much as the employer has to pay.

I think it would be a wonderful idea if you tried to live on minimum wage and gave up all your perks for a year to see how many people live in this province.

It is not always the decision of the low wage earner to be in the position they are in, circumstances are sometimes uncontrollable. You might want to temper your arrogance with common sense and mercy.

While we pay the piper you dance. Your government has the power to change things for the better.

Deanna Boomhower

Prince George