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Malaspina students sharpen minds with writing

All Around Our Schools Today, Malaspina elementary school will be involved in a "writing celebration day." Malaspina has made it a school focus to enhance the writing skills and strategies of all its students.

All Around Our Schools

Today, Malaspina elementary school will be involved in a "writing celebration day." Malaspina has made it a school focus to enhance the writing skills and strategies of all its students. Writing samples produced by the students are going to be on display in the gym, in recognition of the work towards our goal. This will be an all-day event and will be open to the public. On Monday, live reptiles, amphibians and snakes visited the school. Reptile handler Sabrina Hlynes gave a presentation, and to enhance her talk, she brought live specimens - reptiles and amphibians, a corn snake, gecko and frogs. Monday and Tuesday students attended a presentation by Canadian author Diane Swanson, of Victoria. During a number of literacy sessions, she read books and enhanced the concept of literacy to our Malaspina students.

This week at Duchess Park secondary school, the first of two groups of Grade 8s head off to the Flying U Ranch. The drama class will present their first performance of "Pirate Show," a short musical for students with an evening performance tonight, which is open to the community. Next weekend the senior girls soccer team is participating in the zone tournament in Prince George, while the golf team is heading to the zone tournament in Fort St John.

Starting this week, students at Vanway will doing the dance program, with a finale slated for May 21. Don't forget that our funfair is happening on May 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lots of fun for the whole family, come and support Vanway.

May 24 is Victoria Day, so there's no school for students. Remember, every Friday is spirit day - don't forget to wear your Vanway T-shirt.

To help ease concerns and answer any and all questions about transitioning to high school next year, last week, Grade 8 students and this week Grade 7 students and their teachers from Heather Park middle school, head over to KRSS for school tours hosted by KRSS counsellors and link leader students.

Students and staff at HMPS had the opportunity to attend one of two Safe Online Outreach Society (Solos) presentations, titled: Gaming, Sexting and Social Networking' - one session for the Grade 8s and another session for the Grade 6s and Grade 7s. Thank you Ms. Anderson, youth care worker and Mrs. Trifunovich Allen, counsellor, for organizing these informative sessions.

Grade 8 student Annie K. was one of the individual winners of the Multicultural Fair Art Contest 2010 for her work titled, "Different Culture, Same Human Race" in the Grade 8-10 category.

The students of Highglen Montessori elementary school are busy this week as they participate in their class day trips. Today, the classes of Mrs. Maher and Mrs. Butchart will be taking the city bus to Simon Fraser Lodge. This is a great way to demonstrate what we can do to reduce carbon emissions and participate in the intergenerational program studies. On Thursday, the students of Mrs. Butchart, Mrs. Dionne, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Maher and Mrs. Miners will be going to the Civic Centre and library to participate in "The Show." There will be storytelling and live presentations. Mrs. Haddock and Ms. Volpatti are looking forward to going to the Bar K Ranch. They hope to see some calves being born and will learn about life on a ranch.

On Friday, all students will be participating in the annual sports fun day. Stations will be set up and kids will participate in all sorts of physical activity.