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Molester not an 'upstanding' citizen

Re: Man gets 14 months jail time for molesting girl. Justice Williams found Michael Scott Horswill guilty of molesting a four-year-old girl, then in the next breath he says Mr. Horswill is otherwise a "solid and upstanding member of the community.

Re: Man gets 14 months jail time for molesting girl.

Justice Williams found Michael Scott Horswill guilty of molesting a four-year-old girl, then in the next breath he says Mr. Horswill is otherwise a "solid and upstanding member of the community."

Excuse me, this has to be a contradiction of terms. Molesting a four-year-old girl and upstanding member in the same sentence is wrong, any way you say it. The judge said he is at a loss as to why he committed this act.

Food for thought: maybe this is first time he got caught. My own view is if you put 30 homeowners in a room, and said this upstanding member of the community wants to move in next door to you, I cannot see an arm raised in his defence.

Chad Johnson

Prince George