Recently while walking on the trails behind the UNBC residences, I noticed dirtbike tracks on the trails.
I'm up there quite a bit and it seems to be one rider with at least three visits. The bike is ruining the trails in a big way by digging up the soft ground and exposing the roots.
I expect this rider knows the damage he's doing and I'm asking him to please stop.
The trails are not a motocross track, but you're treating them as such. It may be that he lives in the area and rides from his home in Starlane, Vanway or Beaverly.
I say this because there are better places to ride and most bikers have a pick-up or trailer to transport their bikes.
Parents, if your son rides from home and is gone for an hour or two, perhaps ask him where he's riding or have him show you.
Motorized vehicles are not allowed on those trails for a reason and he, or she, is breaking the law.
Please do the right thing.
Laurie Packman
Prince George