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New resident had no trouble finding a doctor

As a new resident of P.G. my partner and I have been looking for a doctor. My partner can not find one but when he noticed that I had a growth on my lip he immediately started to go through the phone book looking for a doctor.

As a new resident of P.G. my partner and I have been looking for a doctor. My partner can not find one but when he noticed that I had a growth on my lip he immediately started to go through the phone book looking for a doctor. The first doctor that he phoned said to come in right away.

We did this and the doctor froze the growth and took a sample to send away to see if it was cancer.

In just two weeks we got a phone call telling us that it was not cancer, that things were OK and there would be no need for any follow up.

Then about two months later we saw blood in my urine and called the doctor and again were told to come in right away, no appointment or waiting, just come in.

The doctor was very concerned and took a bunch of tests. He did the lab work himself and within 20 minutes came to the waiting room and told us that he thought that it was kidney stones.

He prescribed some pills and told us that he would phone us in two weeks to see if things were OK. In two weeks the doctor phoned and asked if things had worked out and if there was any problems.

We said no and that everything was all right. My partner thanked him and that was it.

My partner has a different problem though, he can't get a doctor here.

I am sure glad that I am a dog and met two very caring vets.

Bob Coulling

and Elvis (the dog)

Prince George