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No. 4 for Rideau Hall

As speculation rises as to who will replace the publicity-seeking Michaelle Jean when her term as Governor General expires in August, we would like to add our two cents.

As speculation rises as to who will replace the publicity-seeking Michaelle Jean when her term as Governor General expires in August, we would like to add our two cents.

Besides being the greatest hockey player who ever laced on a pair, Robert Gordon Orr best embodies those qualities that Canadians most identify with.

Honest, loyal, hard-working and humble, despite attaining fame and fortune, Orr has never strayed far from his roots in Parry Sound, Ont.

While knee injuries would ultimately end his illustrious career, Bobby became one of the most honored and revered "gentleman" the game has ever seen.

Who of us will ever forget his starring role in the 1976 Canada Cup tournament, four years after knee problems prevented him from being more than a supportive figure to his teammates in the epic 1972 Canada-Russia series?

During the three years he played with the Chicago Blackhawks, Orr managed to play only 26 games due to injury. As a measure of the man, he refused to cash even a single paycheck, stating that he was paid to play hockey and he would not accept a salary if he was not playing.

At age 31, Orr was the youngest player ever to be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame.

In 1979, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada, and was one of eight flag bearers during the opening of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.

Recently, Bobby spent a weekend in Prince George coaching a youth hockey school compliments of Wood Wheaton. The stories of his generosity of spirit while in town are numerous.

As a banking executive and now owner of one of the most successful player agent agencies in professional sports, Orr has the credentials both on and off the ice to do us proud as GG.

Unlike some of the recent tenants of Rideau Hall, Orr could be counted on to bring some needed dignity to the office.

Canadians are tired of the ex-CBC hacks and their spouses who seem more interested in seeking the spotlight, than in preserving the traditions of the office as an integral piece of our constitutional heritage.

Rather than leaving the politics up to the politicians, the last two GG's have been intent on politicizing the office of GG, even while they pushed their own private hobby horses at taxpayer's expense.

If Stephen Harper really wants to connect with Canadians, he would do well to offer the job of Governor General to Bobby Orr, a great Canadian.

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