This letter is intended and directed to Pat Bell, Liberal MLA.
I am writing this letter to express my total disgust with the lack of respect shown by the Liberal Party of B.C. for the British Columbia electorate.
Against the wishes of the majority of the population of registered voters, the Liberals have seen fit to burden us with yet another tax, "the HST" that is being levied on the backs of those who can least afford it, not to mention the dishonesty at the time of the last election for not letting the electorate know this plan was under the table.
I have been a resident of B.C. my entire life and am not a political activist, but rest assured that if the planned recall is not successful to rid us of this highly unfair tax, I shall do my best to work against the re-election of the Liberals in B.C. in all of its ridings at the next election.
I was born in Penticton and was two years of age when we moved here to Prince George. I am 66 years old now, so I have a vested interest in the province and am totally amazed at the blatant disrespect for the voters.
I have read the propaganda on the B.C. Liberal webpage and am not impressed nor amused.
To you making high five and six figure incomes (at our expense) the "HST" is not a hardship, but what of those trying to live on the pensions of less than $1,000 per month? This is a rhetorical question as I already know the attitude of the provincial government.
One copy of this letter is being sent to the editor of the newspaper, one to Pat Bell's office, one to the provincial Liberal party offices, and one will be kept in my personal file.
Garry Doucette
Prince George