When I heard last night that the fourth arena is not going to be build, I said to myself then the performing arts centre should be scraped also.
Dollars to doughnuts there will be more patrons at the arena than at the performing arts centre and that arena will be used 10 times more often then the arts centre.
The current arenas are used 12 months out of the year, sometimes seven days week. Will the Arts Centre be used that much? I doubt it.
And guess what? In the paper this morning there is the article that the city is looking for outside funding to build the arts centre. What a joke.
The city already has money coming for the arena - why not use it to build the arena? Is the City Council trying to change the image of Prince George?
We are a hockey town, there are already enough places that are used for the arts, and the buildings are not utilized to the fullest extent like a new arena would be used.
I would like to know what the stats are for how many patrons use all the arenas that are in this town, to how many patrons use the arts centres that we have already, and total days of usage for each.
I think the numbers will speak for themselves as to which building should be built.
Leona Ferch
Prince George