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Opinion: Gaza comment under Remembrance Day story ‘offensive’

This is not a time or a day where piggy-backing off of a story for ANY political or social agenda is appropriate.
A member of the Air Cadets 363 Squadron stands guard at the Veterans Plaza cenotaph during Saturday's Remembrance Day ceremonies.

I read the story regarding our MP's dissatisfaction concerning Remembrance Day attendance, the wearing of poppies and the general lack of reverence given this very solemn occasion.

Below the story, within the comments section, I found a very offensive remark by Citizen contributor Gerry Chidiac. The comment noted "genocide" happening  and how "Canada is complicit." His comment in no way reflected the article’s content and I found the use of this story to catapult an opinion to be offensive.

Canadian serving members died in the world wars, they died in Korea, and many have since died in Afghanistan and elsewhere, preserving the very freedoms that we have, such as the ability to teach, and to read or write to this very paper. There is no question that some very nasty history has occurred in our country, and it deserves its time in discussion, discourse and action needs to be taken to rectify the problem, and to bring resolution, reconciliation, and respect to those impacted but this is not the time or place.

The world wars touched our whole world, tens of millions were killed and impacted, nearly every country was involved in some way and in today's world, as I sit and write this letter, people are dying in war.

Mr. Chidiac using a story concerning Remembrance Day and our MP's concern, is grandstanding. It is Mr. Chidiac using a solemn day of remembrance as a platform to push a separate, political agenda, and it is an insult to every man and woman to have ever served under our flag or any other. There are many occasions, long weekends, and holidays that are about enjoyment, and it seems now that for many, Remembrance Day is simply a day off.

For a lot of us that are old enough to have known those who fought in those wars, for those people out there that are retired from serving, still serving or have lost someone, be they military or a civilian in war, this day is above everything else, all else. This is not a time or a day where piggy-backing off of a story for ANY political or social agenda is appropriate. 

I often disagree with Mr. Chidiac and this time he has gone too far.

Citizen, I think it time to reconsider your association with Mr. Chidiac.

Michael Maslen

Prince George