Lest we forget, on Oct. 30, city council forgot about the young people we sent to war and remembering those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can be free.
City council declined a request from the local Legion to help support Remembrance Day. The Legion requested $18,000, request denied, because of a new policy and not sufficient funds on hand.
What a crock that is. This council can waste more than that in a day. (Example: approving $950,000 for the sound system at CN Centre). There is provision to circumvent the intent of the policy. The request was deferred to Nov. 20. A private citizen graciously donated the money needed.
Talk about council dodging the bullet. Some council members lumped the Legion into the same category as other organizations seeking financial aid.
Lest we forget, some councillors have forgotten the sacrifices made so they can speak freely, voicing their views on the unimportance the Legion is. Some councillors believe they already surpassed the requirements to support the Legion.
A councillor believes that Remembrance Day is not a community event but just a Legion event.
A councillor suggested the Legion look for other sources, as other organizations may need council’s support.
Same councillor suggests that staff review to see if the Legion is the right fit for us.
Lest we forget, four members of council supported the Legion.
They realized the importance to remember the fallen, celebrating those the Legion represents.
Is not supporting the Legion just one more step closer to wokeism, cancelling history, culture, or anything else this ideology does not agree with?
Lest we forget, every month we celebrate events. Politicians celebrate these days with vigor because it is politically correct. Remembrance Day has fewer and fewer people to carry the torch.
A most important day, remembering those of whom, sacrificed themselves, so as we can stand free. The answer is, our forefathers and foremothers sacrificed their lives, so we are free of tyranny and oppression.
On Nov. 11, for two minutes, for the sake of being free, this should be enough for the city councillors to support the Legion without question.
Perhaps there are council members that should consider resigning, for they seem to have truly forgotten the act of remembrance.
M. Mahoney
Prince George