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Opinion: No more coal in Christmas stockings

Santa Claus is finding it just too prohibitive to be paying such a high carbon tax on the coal he would be required to purchase.
Santa Claus will no longer be putting lumps of coal in Christmas stockings.

This just in!

It has been discovered that this Christmas, Santa Claus will no longer be putting lumps of coal in various stockings.

He is finding it just too prohibitive to be paying such a high carbon tax on the coal he would be required to purchase.

On the other hand, Santa will finally get off the hook, since there will no longer be a need for coal in any Christmas stocking. Everyone is happily ensconced in the progressive post-modern age where each individual’s perspective of the truth is a relative matter. Nobody is wrong anymore!

Right there, that negates the need for that lump of coal. Finally, we can at last wipe our brows and thoroughly relax.

Gerald Klassen

Prince George