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Opinion: Prince George residents should have a go bag ready for emergencies

The reality is having a plan in place to leave quickly and not panic like most people would and it starts at home.
People should prepare by putting together a grab-and-go kit for themselves, their family and their pets.

With the recent trend over the past seven years of mass evacuations due to fires, flooding and other natural and manmade disasters, you would think people would be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. The sad reality is nobody expects that their community, town or city will get evacuated because it won't happen to them. That's living in a fantasy world. Reality is much more unforgiving.

The reality is having a plan in place to leave quickly and not panic like most people would and it starts at home. Have a go bag for each member of the family permanently packed with two changes of clothes and underwear, basic hygiene products (I have a travel-sized kit in mine at all times), important documents(passport, pictures and video of my house contents on flash drive, charging cables for electronics and lots of batteries (AA and AAA) and 2 rolls of toilet paper per go bag and medicines along with a list of the medicines you take.

My cat carriers are easy to get to and ready to go at a moment’s notice for my three cats and food for them easy to carry. The only victims will be my SW fish unless there is plenty of advanced warning to find temporary housing for them. Keep several empty bottles or containers for water storage and bring food like non-perishables, high protein snacks and so on that are easy to carry and do not easily spoil. In my truck, I keep more clothes and a blanket, emergency roadside kit, a wind up radio (cell service may be spotty), two rolls of TP and emergency rations that are good for a year or more.

All the above is easy to do and even easier to look after and does not take up much room. It is easier to be prepared, rather than panic pack and horde because you are unprepared. Most importantly, everything needs to be kept easy to carry and store and be able to grab within minutes.

Dean Soiland

Prince George