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Opinion: What about the research that says climate crisis is a sham?

I come across many articles from respected scientists that disagree on the effect of CO2 in regards to increasing the average temperature of the earth over the next 100 years.
"There are no forbidden questions in science, no matters too sensitive or delicate to be probed, no sacred truths," wrote world-famous cosmologist Carl Sagan.

Darn, I agree with Todd Whitcombe about doing your own research. But is he suggesting that there are no forbidden questions in science?

I haven’t listened to CBC or mainstream media for many years now, so I come across many articles from respected scientists that disagree on the effect of CO2 in regards to increasing the average temperature of the earth over the next 100 years.

There is also no shortage of climate opinions that strain credibility as well. There was a recent article by the RAS’s Eurasian Economic Integration Council that said that Earth’s warming is not manmade and is primarily due to the “outflow of potassium isotope from the Earth’s depths.”

According to the council, this is linked to the “increasing emission of natural hydrogen, which creates ozone holes.”

A world-renowned Arctic scientist has spoken out to debunk the globalist “climate crisis” narrative and warn the public that the Earth is actually heading for a period of “global cooling.”

Leading polar expert Andrey Fedotov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences declared that “warming is about to end” and the planet is about to enter an “ice age” in about 2035. Maybe he is right?

"There are no forbidden questions in science, no matters too sensitive or delicate to be probed, no sacred truths," wrote world-famous cosmologist Carl Sagan.

Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman, who understood the fallibility of the rational mind, famously stated science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts. History shows time and again scientific expertise is prone to error, peer pressure and cognitive dissonance. Thus, the appeal to scientific authority is often the hallmark of a lack of both skepticism and understanding of the topic under debate.

I searched out the government position where CO2 is the culprit that will fry the earth if we don’t reduce the CO2 by living without fossil fuels.

And then I compared that information to the thousands of “denier” scientists who have the expertise, education and background to analyze what the government funded scientists missed or glossed over.

Their stuff you won’t find in traditional or big media for some reason, although these highly qualified people have more experience than the tame government scientist.

Todd Whitcombe is right. Do some digging. Those speaking out are subject to cancel culture and all sorts of pressure to bury their findings, so Google is not much help. Paul Watson of Greenpeace fame is one of the “deniers”, but a search yields nothing although he gave interviews to the press on his reasons for disputing the government narrative on climate.

This might show up - 1,609 scientists and informed professionals signed the Global Climate Intelligence Group's "World Climate Declaration" that there is no climate emergency.

This is one of many good websites - Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy.

The site has a great discussion on the carbon cycle as carbon dioxide molecules stay in the atmosphere for about 3 1/2 years.

So, to make up for the lack of necessary human-caused carbon dioxide flowing into the atmosphere, the IPCC claims that instead of having a turnover time of 3.5 years, human CO2 stays in the atmosphere for hundreds or even thousands of years.

The carbon cycle, the effect of clouds, the CO2 saturation effect, the sun cycle, and the tug of the other planets all contribute to an Earth that is always cooling and heating, and will continue to do so, despite what a bunch of Chicken Little government officials tell you. The sky is not falling.

Lee Sexsmith

Prince George