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Pedestrians, cyclists should show drivers more respect

On Nov. 1 there was an letter, titled "Drivers need to show more respect to cyclists," and I would like to carry this further. Cyclists and pedestrians need to show more respect to drivers.

On Nov. 1 there was an letter, titled "Drivers need to show more respect to cyclists," and I would like to carry this further.

Cyclists and pedestrians need to show more respect to drivers.

I frequent Spruceland Mall quite a bit and today was one of those days.

Because I have seen so many near hits I drive very slow.

Today a lady came out of a parking aisle three to four feet in front of my truck and it was hard to see her because of parked vehicles and while she looked right at me she kept walking as if she had the right of way.

I could very well have hit her if I wasn't paying attention.

To the jaywalkers who don't look as they walk with their heads down and talking on a cell phone, they just charge right across and who cares if the vehicle driver has to jump on the brakes to avoid hitting them.

It is the same thing with cyclists, they peel right off the sidewalk right in front of you, defying you to hit them.

With as many times as I have seen this happen at Spruceland, one day someone is going to get seriously hurt or killed and I hate to say it but is their own fault as there is marked crosswalks which they don't use.

Why does the city even bother to paint pedestrian crosswalks because these people don't use them.

What a waste of money.

D. Both

Prince George