I was saddened by the ordeal that happened in the caucus last week. You would think that a politician like Mr. Bennett would know enough to follow due process and respect, rather than profanely blast a leader who should be honoured at very least for the office he holds. Thank you leaders of the caucus for taking a stand, thus setting a good precedent for the future in running our province.
If something needs to be addressed with a leader, it should first happen with all due respect behind closed doors one-on-one. A loser shoots at a recognized leader publicly before attempting private confrontation. If private confrontation does not work then take a wise unbiased mediator who can bring a respectful appeal.
In a Christian nation, proper appeal is a value we should hold high. Leaders in office should be treated with respect at all times under all circumstances. I believe in giving honour to whom honour is due. People who do not follow due process end up being losers.
Pastor Tim Osiowy
Prince George