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Premier gets personal

On the day last week when Canadians were encouraged to help end the stigma around mental illness, Premier Christy Clark broadcast a brief, deeply personal message from the cabinet office in Vancouver.

On the day last week when Canadians were encouraged to help end the stigma around mental illness, Premier Christy Clark broadcast a brief, deeply personal message from the cabinet office in Vancouver.

"Premier Christy Clark here and my cabinet behind me," she began by way of contribution to a day "where we are encouraging everybody to talk about mental illness and the impact it has had on us."

Other participants in the Bell Canada-sponsored exercise included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, astronaut Chris Hadfield and NHL defenceman P.K. Subban.

Clark, for her part, talked about her late father Jim: "In my life my dad suffered from serious depression. It meant that he died an alcoholic as he self-medicated most of his life."

The premier has often cited Jim Clark, a Burnaby school teacher who ran unsuccessfully for the Liberals on three occasions, as an inspirational figure who whetted her appetite for politics.

To my knowledge this was the first time she publicly discussed how depression and alcoholism contributed to his early death, more than 20 years ago.

"It is a tough way to grow up for a lot of families," Clark continued, after a slight groping for words.

"A lot of people have experienced that."

She closed with a thanks to the sponsor and everyone else who had participated in the public airing: "We should talk about these things."

The responses were not long in coming after Clark posted her comment on Twitter and her own Facebook page Wednesday.

"It is good you have a heart for people suffering from mental illness and depression," was one of the more complimentary.

"I think our province needs to invest more."

A call for more spending figured in a number of responses, as did complaints about the government's decision to close Riverview.

The Clark government claims to be spending a record $1.4 billion on mental health and substance abuse services, as well as breaking ground for a 105-bed mental health centre on the site of the old Riverview facility.

The B.C. premier's linking of alcohol and mental illness drew some telling comments as well.

"Premier Christy Clark - alcohol and mental health go hand in hand - sobering," was one response.

Someone else challenged: "You talk about your father's alcoholism yet you are making liquor more accessible? Unending liquor announcements."

Other comments underscored the degree to which Clark has become a polarizing figure as she nears the end of her sixth year in office.

"Government is more than photo ops and slogans," wrote one respondent.

There was also this: "Narcissism is a mental illness - isn't it Christy?" This: "You inherited mental disorder!!"

And this: "You don't care about people. Or you wouldn't have allowed B.C. to get this way."

Roughest of all was an accusation arising out of the suicide, four years ago, of a drug researcher after those botched firings in the health ministry: "You and your lies caused a man to take his own life, you smug POS." (If you don't recognize that Internet slang acronym, you could look it up.)

Vicious as some of these responses are, Clark must be getting used to it. She's a regular presence on social media and unlike some politicians, doesn't appear to block many correspondents.

Nor has she been shy about going public with elements of her personal life.

Her son Hamish has long been a source of anecdotal relief in Clark's speeches, sometimes for cautionary purposes, though lately the running gag is that the soon-to-be 16-year-old has become a shrewd judge of his mother's imperfections.

Clark has previously shared some of the sadness in her life as well. In an interview soon after she won the Liberal leadership in 2011, Clark talked movingly about the lingering death from cancer of her mother Mavis.

But no personal confessionals stirred as much emotion as the one she made last June, after all parties in the legislature united to support tougher guidelines for dealing with sexual assault at post-secondary institutions.

"As I sat in my chair on the floor of the legislature, it struck me: I knew all too well why women stay silent. For over 35 years, I've been one of them," wrote Clark in an opinion piece published in The Vancouver Sun.

She went on to recount something she'd not talked about before - the day when she was pulled off the sidewalk and into the bushes by a stranger bent on doing her harm. And how, despite being very scared, she managed to wriggle free and run off to safety and a silence kept for decades.

"I'm not speaking out for sympathy; I don't need it," the premier continued.

"I am speaking out because as B.C.'s first elected female premier, I am privileged to have a public platform. I want women who have never said anything about sexual violence in their lives to know they are not alone."

More than a few observers wished Clark had seized the opening to support more funding for transition houses and other measures to protect women. She was also accused of making it up and/or playing politics with an episode that was nothing like a real sexual assault.

Such are the fruits of going personal in the unforgiving B.C. political arena. But at some level Clark must figure the risk is worth it, to make a personal connection with the voters in a time of growing alienation.