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Put your money where your mouth is

As you say "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." I absolutely agree. But, you really do miss the whole point. First: every city needs a governing body.

As you say "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." I absolutely agree. But, you really do miss the whole point.

First: every city needs a governing body. Most of us would prefer that these people not be total idiots who could not get anyone to employ them for any amount.

Second: we all would like these people to be dedicated, hard-working people who are willing to give the valuable hours of their lives to do the best that in their good judgment they can do for us.

Third: we do want people who have some fair amount of life-experience and knowledge so they can apply that to our (that is, not just their) problems.

Fourth: the people that we all want, therefore, are not people who can or will live on say $25,000 per year. They will not be willing to spend so much of there lives for that amount. They can do so much better for their families and themselves if they wish. And the hours these people put in do not really qualify as "part time" nor does the fair market value of the services that the people we want amount to minimum wage. We people who can otherwise command at least union rates for their Tim, I would think.

Fifth: being a city council member eats large hours out of their personal lives. If there is not a reasonable payment the people we all want will say "No way - let someone else do it". AND we get the people who don't have the ability or the experience, but are desperate even for a few bucks. Good people to handle our finances,eh?

I do not by any means think that all of our city representatives are God's gift to Earth. I do not agree with a lot of their decisions. In fact, there are days when I would like to assemble a lynch party. But I sure as anything would not want to be doing their job in my "

personal" time.

But they work, hour for hour, at a rate that is ridiculously low. If the distinguished publisher of this paper really thinks they are overpaid, I look forward to seeing his name one the ballot in November.

Money talks, Mr. Publisher. BS walks.

Show your civic pride. Put your name up on the ballot. Work for a few years as one of our representatives - if people will elect you.

Otherwise, please show a little sense. It's really easy for someone to talk when they do not have to put themselves on the line. Look forward to seeing your name on the ballot.

Charlie Fletcher

Prince George