While living in Japan as a minority, I was always surprised on how the press would report on crimes being committed by foreigners. Never mind that everyday crime was taking place, when a non-resident was involved, the story always had bigger and bolder headlines.
I was surprised and saddened then, when I read about the "Asians" involved in the drug bust on Friday. I do not condone the activities of the grow operators, but I do not see how their race has anything to do with their crime. I have yet to see any story in "The Citizen" discussing a "Caucasian" criminal. Anyone who believes that crime is limited to any one race is ignorant.
I was pleased to read in the Globe and Mail that the description was that of "Vancouver-area men."
Given B.C.'s notorious past on race equality, I would encourage The Citizen to be fair and balanced to all members of our community.
David Schulte
Prince George