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Rainbow of colours to celebrate colours of man

Around Our Schools Last week, students from the UNBC environmental interpretation class, and their instructor Ms. Gail Ross, visited Mrs.

Around Our Schools

Last week, students from the UNBC environmental interpretation class, and their instructor Ms. Gail Ross, visited Mrs. Butchart's class at Highglen Montessori to present several Project Wild activities that had been prepared as the conclusion to their coursework.

The games played in the gym and outdoors helped the younger students to understand the challenges facing animals in the wild as they attempt to meet their needs and the obstacles that salmon encounter as they make their way to and from the ocean.

The students of Mrs. Maher's class will be using their hands and paint to create a rainbow of colour to celebrate all colours of humans around the world.

Today, students from Mrs. Haddock's class will be saying goodbye to their practicum teacher, Ms. Britta Stacklebeck with a Hawaiian luau during the afternoon. Next week, the students from this class will be attending Simon Fraser Lodge for a visit with the residents. They look forward to the music.

Next week, all students will be planting seeds in their classroom, tending them over the next few weeks and learning about a plant's growth cycle, in the hopes of planting them in our garden. We are looking forward to the splash of colour later in the spring. This will be a great way to begin celebrations for Earth Day.

On Monday, Duchess Park hosted it's Grade 7 parent information evening.

Parents enjoyed their visit to the new school. On Wednesday evening 14 Duchess Park secondary school students participated in the School District 57 honour band performance. Thursday is the beginning of the fourth term.

Students have two-and-a-half months left in the 2009-10 school year. On Thursday and today, our art classes are visiting Two Rivers Gallery. Also today Duchess Park is having two authors visit. Michael Turner and Cathleen With are both finalists for the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize. The two authors will be visiting with Duchess Park students in the morning. Next week, our tourism class will be visiting Two Rivers Gallery; there is a school-wide cultural presentation and the honour band will be playing in Fanfare 2010 at Vanier Hall.

On March 31, Heather Park middle school wished Mrs. Jo-Anne Perrin a "happy retirement" after 37 years of teaching. We wish her the very best and some well deserved time off--to enjoy her grandbabies, golf and travel.

The Quiz Me camera crews were at HPMS last Tuesday to film a program. The following students "hosted" the segment: Mikayla W., Carly D. and Dylan M. HPMS has two teams competing in this popular academic 'game' show.

Once again, HPMS's librarian, Ms. Weisgarber, and a crew of five enthusiastic student girls: Kiana G-S., Chelsea L., Sarah W., Lauren C. and Emily P. participated in the Red Cedar Battle of the Books at Ron Brent this past Friday. Although we did not win, everyone had a great time. Winner for the best Canadian novel will be announced in May.

Once again there is a flurry of ideas ranging from the funny side of plants' emotion to the horrors of child labour as Grade 8 students prepare their speeches for the upcoming Annual Speech Night on April 21. Two representatives from each division are chosen to represent their classroom in the 'speech off.' The top three contestants then move on to represent HPMS at the district speech contest held at Vanier Hall on April 29.

Also on April 29, Grade 8 winners of the recent district-wide writing contest will also be announced and recognized. After lots of pleasant reading and much deliberation, the Grade 8 finalists representing HPMS in poetry are: Brianna R. for "Dreamland" and "The World," and Meggie G. for "Summer Song." In the prose category, "Death of a Friend" by Robert A. and "Snow: Part 1" by Brianna R.

The quality of writing made it difficult to choose and there were a number of honourable mentions.

Last but not least, HPMS was a beehive of activities this week as Grade 7 students were starting the exciting process of transitioning to KRSS. Activities included Powerpoint presentations by KRSS counsellor to individual classrooms to explain some of the difference between middle and high school, the choosing of electives and parent night.