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Recent news coverage examples of innuendo and nastiness

I am sure I am not the only one who would admit to being initially amused by the report of the senior citizen robbing the Scotiabank on Friday. The front page on Saturday's Citizen was another matter.

I am sure I am not the only one who would admit to being initially amused by the report of the senior citizen robbing the Scotiabank on Friday.

The front page on Saturday's Citizen was another matter. I feel that this picture was completely unnecessary and disrespectful to not only the man involved, but to his family and friends.

Then, to top things off ,there are the graphic pictures in Monday's front page. You can't stop people from judging what circumstances led up to this incident, but this person is still somebody's family member and friend, and to have such terribly graphic pictures posted on the front page of the community newspaper is ethically wrong.

There have been many instances in the last year, where I have cringed reading the Citizen's editorials and/or articles, especially in regards to local politics and business issues, where, in my opinion, the writer has crossed the line with innuendo and just general nastiness. My wish for our community newspaper is to report the facts and steer away from sensationalist reporting.

Meredith Burmaster

Prince George