A wildfire protection plan for Prince George is a very good idea for our area but we have forest companies that plant, harvest, and produce products from our forests.
They all have their own forestry departments.
We have forestry engineering companies.
We have a college that has forestry programs.
We have a university that has forestry programs that are second to nobody.
So why do we hire a Vancouver company - Diamond Head Consulting (DHC) - to come up here and tell us what trees to cut?
With all the above knowledge and manpower in Prince George, we hire a Vancouver company?
Did the city put this contract out for tender? What are the taxpayers on the hook for this time?
Does DHC take any responsibility at all?
The dollar amount they agreed on, is that written in stone or is it we will get back to you with the final bill when we are done?
Now UNBC just got a grant for $1.5 million to study why our Indigenous elders are prone to suicide.
Why could we not give UNBC a grant to come up with a plan and be the lead in what clearing is to be done, keeping our tax money here in P.G.?
While on the subject of clearing trees, we should be looking at our smaller city playground parks. They should be checked and thinned out for fire hazards.
Chad Johnson
Prince George