This is my take on snow removal in prince George.
To start with, I'm not complaining about snow removal on my street as me and my neighbours cleared our road with our own blowers free of charge
After our last big snow driving or should i say humping around town, we found only two streets plowed - Ospika and 17th Avenue in the Millar Addition.
There was not a snowplow in sight during our outing and Fifth Avenue, 10th Avenue and 15th Avenue were untouched.
You don't need a degree to figure out at least some of what's happening .
Now that the snow has stopped, I see trucks spreading sand three days in a row needlessly,and trucks stopping for long periods hiding and I have seen this many times on my street. Why is our budget for snow removal always running on empty?
Increasing taxes will not help poor management.
When there is no snow, find other jobs for these people to do and not run around wasting fuel and time doing nothing productive or cost effective.
I drove trucks in this town for 40 years when things were slow and we did all kinds of work.
I was appalled to hear Mayor Lyn Hall wants to raise taxes to cover for this.
The snow removal has never been as bad as it is in the last five to seven years and it's always the same excuse - the budget.
Does the budget not begin on Jan. 1?
Give me a break.
B. Rosin
Prince George