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SPCA deserves pat on back

Thank you SPCA for taking in the beautiful black cat that turned up in our neighbourhood and made his home on our lawn chair. We couldn’t keep him. You took him in, gave him his vaccinations, and found him a home. You set our minds at ease.

Thank you SPCA for taking in the beautiful black cat that turned up in our neighbourhood and made his home on our lawn chair. We couldn’t keep him. You took him in, gave him his vaccinations, and found him a home. You set our minds at ease.

Thank you for finding the owners of the cute little Shih Tzu. He loitered around our yard for an afternoon, and wouldn’t leave. We kept him overnight and you found his owners the next day. The kids were so happy to have him back.

It made our day.

Thank you for ensuring all adoptees meet your adoption requirements. Your adoption policies only reflect your concern for the long-term, safe, well-being of the animals temporarily in your care. Though your adoption policies may not seem “fair” to everyone, they are developed to ensure the safety of every animal in your care. Furthermore, rest assured that most of us are aware that overcrowding in your facility is strongly related to the lack of pet owner responsibility (not spaying or neutering), and not to your adoption requirements.

With Prince George recently receiving national unfavorable publicity, I would hold my head down in shame if we were additionally known as a community that did not support your policies and hardworking, dedicated volunteers and staff.

There are more than 70,000 people living in P.G.

You deserve more than 70,000 Thank You notes for the work you do.

M. Cloutier

Prince George