While watching the news, I saw a controversy over some provincial tests for students. Right or wrong, it seems to me that it's an effort to homogenize children into a uniform segment of society. Children should be allowed to pass or fail based on the input of the individual. Children who succeed in school are a product of their learning from their teachers and parental direction. Those who do not make the grade should not be allowed to pass just because of their age any other factors. The trouble with kids today is that they are being told they are all winners. Get real. If you're a loser, Johnny, you're a loser. If you don't like what you got, make an effort to change it. All kids are not equal, it's just they find this out too late after we turn them loose on the rest of us. When an individual "graduates" form school he/she finds out just what they put into life. Fortunately for the losers, we as a society have to carry these people because they believe it is their inherent right to live off the avails of others. Canadians as a whole are a very caring society, but some effort should be made for accountability.
George L. Getty
Prince George