Our Grade 7 students read and discussed your June 2 article "Taking the colour out of bullying," regarding Kristen Nelson. To a person, they felt very affected by the article. Following are some of their responses:
I think the article was valuable because it really opened my eyes to how serious bullying really is. - Kainaan Greenaway
I think that bullying is starting to get very bad. Lots of young teenagers are getting killed or killing themselves. This is very ignorant. I think that boys should wear pink more because that shows how much they care about bullying and bullies. - Mackenzie Moeller
I think it is everyone's responsibility to stop bullying in their own school because you can try to stop it any day by not joining in then maybe people will start to realize it is not right. - Liv Porsnuk
I think this column on Kristen Nelson is very sad because she was a victim of bullying. Kristen was about the same age as I was and it scares me that a girl my age got depressed because of rude peers. I absolutely agree that schools and adults may need to be a little more aware of what bullying can do to children. - Shelby Gramm
I think the article was valuable because it shows what bullying does to someone, and what the consequence can be. It was also quite sad because she didn't do anything wrong; she was just a victim of bullying. - Carla Goodwin
I agree with Dr. Lorna Medd because she says "We need to be more aware of how devastating the consequences of harassment and bullying can be." - Eric Vinnedge
I think the article was valuable because it really helped me realize how serious bullying is and how it could really mess someone up emotionally and mentally. - Bryce Deveau
It is disappointing when someone gets bullied. Sometimes it may result in death, and I don't think there should be people out there that would do such a thing. - Cheyenne Sabo
It is sad that she died because of bullying. I agree with what Lorne Mayencourt said about students not doing their best because they didn't feel safe, because if I didn't feel safe I wouldn't do my best. - Daniel DeMerchant
On behalf of my students, I would like to extend a thank you to the Prince George Citizen for the article and our condolences to Kristen's family and friends.
Cam McCormick
SD 91 Nechako Lakes