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Thanks for road upgrade

This letter is to say a huge thank you to the city of Prince George. I had occasion to write letters regarding the horrendous, scarcely navigable condition our street had become over the years.

This letter is to say a huge thank you to the city of Prince George. I had occasion to write letters regarding the horrendous, scarcely navigable condition our street had become over the years. I am sure besides myself and all of our neighbours are very grateful for the new upgraded pavement we received on Nov. 15 and 16.

We are on a bus route that has five buses for the students in our area. Now they no longer have to fear for their lives by going into the ditches to avoid the cars and trucks weaving on the road trying to avoid the craters and sinks and slopes.

This has improved all our lives and I want to thank the city for responding to my plea to fix our street. Kudos to the awesome job they did. Every day I drive on it I feel like I won the lotto. Ever so grateful to everyone that made it happen. Hugs to all of you.

Marie Caron

Prince George