Still good people out there..
On Thursday, June 2 at around 1:45 p.m. outside of Sportmart at the Spruceland mall a women hit the side of my car with hers. She did not stick around to tell me that she had done this she just ran. If it had not been for the nice couple that stuck around for me to come out of a store and inform me that this had taken place I would not have known until I least got home completely unaware of when or where this would have happened. To the woman that hit me, thanks for being ignorant and leaving me with the bill to now have my car fixed.
To witnesses, thank you for hanging around. It is awesome to know that there are great people still out there. I however did not get enough information from these people so if you have heard this story from a friend or are the people that witnessed this accident could you please contact me. You can reach me on Facebook or by phone.
Thank you,
Jill Laferdy
Prince George