Every day as I walk through life I hear all the negatives about Prince George; our potholes, our less desirable citizens, wasteful amounts of money being spent on renovations to city hall.
I'm wondering if anyone ever hears about all the positives happening around Prince George.
In Prince George, we have an enormous amount of support in the community, in other words for those who are in need there is help out there for you. Now that's not to say that you can get absolutely everything you need all the time, but there is support out there for you.
I see some of the non-profit organizations work their butts off to assist many people in times of crisis, despite enormous funding cutbacks by our provincial and federal governments.
So, to all of you out there in our city who have worked so hard and have dedicated yourselves and your livelihoods to helping those in need, I raise my hand to you.
And to everyone else who has so many negatives to say about our city, look closer you'll find some good. I have never lived in such a diverse city that offers my children both art and culture.
Cheryl Elgie
Prince George