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Time to get tough on crime

Re: Prince George Worst City for Criminal Activity, Maclean's article. So, Prince George was deemed the most crime-ridden city in all of Canada by Maclean's magazine: surprise, surprise.

Re: Prince George Worst City for Criminal Activity, Maclean's article.

So, Prince George was deemed the most crime-ridden city in all of Canada by Maclean's magazine: surprise, surprise. The radio stations and news outlets are falling over themselves trying to understand why.

A steady procession of so-called experts is trotted out on the talk shows. These are your typical social workers; Canada's left-leaning types, who spout the usual tired canards as to why the criminal activity is so prevalent in our area . . . unemployment, poverty and their favourite politically correct buzzword, disenfranchised minority groups.

Of course that tried and true "blame it on the residential schools" is resurrected, never mind that the majority of criminals who are native are at least three generations removed from any of that.

The real reason for crime in Prince George is staring us right in the face on the weekly court reports in The Citizen. Break and enter and theft - one day in jail and a $500 victim surcharge; theft under $5,000, time already served while waiting for trial; assault causing bodily harm earns as little as a suspended sentence; car theft nets two years probation i.e. no time served at all.

These sentences send a message to criminal "do the crime and do no time." It's time to really make criminals pay. Take away most of the discretionary powers of judges and impose maximum sentences, especially for repeat offenders.

Build more prisons, real prisons like the State of Arizona has. Uncomfortable, harsh places that do not tolerate insubordination or prison gang activity. Inmates not co-operating are placed in solitary confinement for 23 of 24 hours a day. The only way out is voluntary work in the chain gangs. Recidivism in Arizona is very low.

Nearly every weekend in Prince George a hold-up at knife point or gun point is committed at a convenience store with traumatized employees fearing for their lives.

Home invasions and property crime are one quarter of the rate (on a per capita basis) in Texas. The reason is private gun ownership.

Any law-abiding citizen with no criminal record can apply for a permit to carry a concealed weapon. After a compulsory course on safe handling and citizen responsibility with a weapon the applicant can carry the weapon on their person. A home invader is quite likely going to get shot.

Bernard McKay

Prince George