Recently while reading The Citizen I noticed an advertisement for private education. As a parent currently supporting public education in our district and having my children's school at risk for possible closure, I feel this ad is an insensitive step to promoting private alternatives.
I understand private education is an obvious option for me, but I feel this ad would have been better received had it been printed closer to when our elected board of trustees have made their final decision. There are many individuals in Prince George that feel our "locally" elected trustees have already made the decision to rubber stamp the recommendations of the district administration, rather than exercising their own autonomy and close all 14 schools. This, of course, if true, makes the consultation process a complete farce.
More individuals in this district, even if their children are not directly affected by school closure should speak up and send a strong message to Victoria. Our education minister claims how much funding has been given to education since 2001, she fails to mention how much has been taken from our children and their education in the last nine years. We as communities have been asked to get creative, why has our education minister not gotten more creative? Why does this problem fall directly on the taxpayer?
Prince George needs to continue to demand more funds be found and placed back where it belongs...back to the children of this province. What is seven million after we have watched an abundance of our tax dollars being spent on the Olympics? I have been wondering where our city council is? Where is our mayor? I watched many of our city council members and local MLS' support and promote the Olympics. Why are they not doing what they can to protect education in this city from the bullies of the Liberal government? It is time for the taxpayers here in Prince George to "school" the Liberal government.
Amanda Ireland
Prince George
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