It is the time of the year when our pets become susceptible to the most common form of poisoning, that from ethylene glycol better known as antifreeze poison.
Pets are attracted to the deadly substance because of it's sweet taste and smell.
Did you know three tablespoons can kill a 22-pound dog? One teaspoon can kill a seven pound cat.
As most of you know, I am a firm believer cats should stay indoors and this fact only offers more substance as to the reasons why.
Ethylene glycol is not dangerous by itself, but it becomes toxic once the pet has ingested it. When metabolized, the substance turns into several dangerous chemicals that can cause serious kidney failure. Ethylene glycol toxicosis, which is the actual condition is often fatal if not treated within four to eight hours.
About 80 percent of dogs with kidney failure, associated with antifreeze, die. Immediate reaction is necessary to save your pet's life. Often, the owner is not even aware the pet has even consumed antifreeze. What they do notice, however, is a pet with signs of kidney problems.
Evidence of the ingestion may not show up for several days.
This all depends on how much of the liquid was actually consumed. You may notice your pet acting intoxicated within 30 minutes to 12 hours after ingestion.
The poison is quickly absorbed into the brain and spinal fluid. Other more noticeable signs to watch for are: nausea, vomiting, increased desire for water, depression and lethargic behaviour.
If treatment is not received within 24 hours following ingesting, the outlook is not very positive.
The unfortunate thing about all this is that most incidences happen because pet owners have not stored, or disposed of, antifreeze in a safe place.
It have to be kept out of reach and tightly closed. By keeping your antifreeze in a secured place, you are preventing a potential tragedy. It is important to keep in mind that by the time you notice something is wrong it is already too late so let's ensure it doesn't happen in the first place.
If, by accident, you do spill some antifreeze, clean it up immediately with plenty of water. Use products that do not contain ethylene glycol or rather products with propylene glycol. Every auto supply store that I phoned in Prince George does carry pet-safe antifreeze.
It's slightly more expensive than other antifreezes but when you look at the big picture, think what you will save on vet bills plus you eliminate the dangers for your pet or wildlife.
On another note: My deepest sympathies go out to the famed Chihuahuas clan , Poquita, Tequita, Bonita and Coquita over the devastating loss of their guardian JoAnne Niwranski Blake.
JoAnne adored her pups. They were great support to her. I remember a Christmas party at the Blake home and JoAnne had every guest pose for a picture with one of the Chihuahuas. As I glance across our living room at a photo of Jo and I and Tequita sitting in front of one of the Blake's beautifully decorated Christmas trees, I am filled with memorie and laughter. A bright shining star, with a larger than life personality, is what my friend JoAnne was. I have never met anyone quite like her and I doubt I ever will. I am blessed to have known JoAnne Niwranski Blake. My sympathy also goes out to her husband Jim and family.