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Turn down the heat, take the bus

I am tired of seeing letters about the so-called myth of climate change. Maybe it is time for a new perspective. How about human health. Most of what we do that increases our carbon footprint also has other environmental impacts.

I am tired of seeing letters about the so-called myth of climate change.

Maybe it is time for a new perspective. How about human health. Most of what we do that increases our carbon footprint also has other environmental impacts. This is the reason they urge you not to drive your car when we have an inversion in Prince George. The other pollutants that come from the exhaust are a health issue. Just ask the people with asthma who live in the bowl. Better yet what about saving money.

Virtually eveything you can do to reduce your carbon footprint saves you money. Take less or shorter showers. Saves money. Walk, ride your bike, take the bus instead of driving. Saves money. Turn down the heat in your house. Saves money. Get the picture. Please don't tell me you don't believe in saving money.

Craig DeLong

Prince George