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United States has nowhere to go but up

I have spent my entire adult life under the presidential impetus of Barack Hussein Obama.

I have spent my entire adult life under the presidential impetus of Barack Hussein Obama.

And despite being an educated, ethnic minority who was, like him, often pushed into leadership positions thanks to my God-given talents and racial inheritance, I really only have one thing left to say to the man now exiting the White House: don't let the door hit you on your way out!

Or, in these Biblical words: "you have been weighed, measured, and found wanting."

Before the usual trove of objections from centrists to leftists alike come hurtling out of the maw of anonymous commentators, I'll clarify that I am already well aware of the obstacles that faced Obama coming into power eight years ago this month.

Actually, for the sake of emphasis, let me be clear that I am brutally aware - probably more aware of the obstacles that he faced than you are. I watched the War on Terror from 11 on, I was 18 during the crash of '08, and 19 as he took office.

I was, like all publicly educated children of the early 2000s, a dyed in the wool liberal, properly catechised to believe that Canada was a peacekeeping, multicultural mosaic with a deep well of socialist goodwill because that was just the right thing to do.

I believed Mr. Obama as he told me "we are not red-states and blue states, but the United States of America;" he would unify his divided country and fix the crashed economy - he would make America equal again!

I am thankful for the Obama presidency because it has saved me much grief from trying to unlearn leftist dogma later in life, when mind and will grow weaker from habits long held.

"Obama is always right," is a chant that hypnotized my generation and many older than me - despite not regulating Wall Street, weakening American power and allies, passing Obamacare with zero bi-partisan support, never confronting the national debt, spurning Canada via Keystone, etc.

Or, to put it another way, it would appear to me that Obama's presidency is the penultimate incarnation of the hard leftist project; he won the Nobel Peace prize just for being the first black president, and as he leaves office, violent radicals in Black Lives Matters and elsewhere see his own lack of respect for constitutional authority and convention as permission to carry on their Jacobin behavior.

Could his legacy be any more backwards if he had tried?

Another way that this presidency speaks directly to me is that I could well have risen in political circles by following a similar style of rhetoric and hidden agenda.

Truth be told, the opportunity to use my aboriginal status for nefarious, selfish ends to benefit myself as well as a dishonest agenda has been proffered to me several times.

I cannot pretend to have stood in the precarious position of president - but I am certain the ends don't justify any means necessary.

And so I must admit that I have no sympathy left for this president or his attempt to radically alter the United States of America through less than virtuous methods that are a net loss for so many of the people he supposedly tried to help.

In fact, in the last days of his presidency, Obama bears a startling resemblance to Stephen Harper's look - a single, stubborn man on a hill, all his friends having left him, and the weight of his legacy being borne by him alone.

One can only pray that we learn our lesson more quickly than the Americans.

Hopefully we throw out our own version of the overreaching, out of touch, rhetorically empty, compelled by his conscious leader in a single term instead of two. I'm growing more certain of his doom by the day.

And what of the president-elect?

Aren't I concerned about him?

Perhaps I'm reading too much C.S. Lewis these days, but he put it well that it is better to live under a bad man than to live under a man compelled by his conscious to do things that are actually bad.

Whatever one may think of Barack or Donald, the fact is at this point the United States has nowhere to go but up.