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Vote with conscience MLAs

During this session of the sitting of the provincial legislature in Victoria our elected MLAs are going to vote for or against implementation of the harmonized sale tax (HST).

During this session of the sitting of the provincial legislature in Victoria our elected

MLAs are going to vote for or against implementation of the harmonized sale tax (HST). It is a conservative estimate that at least 80 per cent of British Columbians are vehemently against this onerous and regressive tax that is going to cost us all hundreds of dollars more each per year. Collectively it will be millions of dollars more into the coffers of the government. It is a tax on consumers with people at the lower end of the financial spectrum being asked to shoulder the biggest burden. A few large corporations will benefit from this windfall and no one else.

Besides all this extra money collected from this tax the federal government is offering our

provincial government - as an incentive and inducement to harmonize the taxes - a sweet deal of more than one billion dollars to come to the table and comply with their request. It is no wonder Gordon Campbell is salivating at the mouth at the prospect of all this extra income to enhance his Government's beleaguered financial coffers.

All it would take when it comes to the legislative vote to defeat the implementation of this

tax is for seven or eight liberal MLA'S to vote their conscience and vote against the motion. Also, they could abstain, or be absent from, the legislature on the day of the vote,As an MLA, stand up, do as your constituents want and say no to HST. Don't let the wrath and fear of punitive measures of Gordon Campbell dull your conscience. He will not be around to lead your party at the next election.

If this tax comes into fruition we will all be paying more right to the end, even our final

journey whether it be to the cemetery or crematorium is going to have the added burden of HST.

AI Cameron

Prince George