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Why don't seniors get as much as welfare recipients?

May I ask why is it that senior citizens who have paid into their pensions their entire lives do not have the same medical benefits at the very least as welfare recipients? These senior citizens are forced to have to choose which they are going to ge

May I ask why is it that senior citizens who have paid into their pensions their entire lives do not have the same medical benefits at the very least as welfare recipients?

These senior citizens are forced to have to choose which they are going to get each month - food, rent or prescriptions. Some are life-sustaining drugs they need to live!

But people (most of which are capable of working but choose to be on welfare) are granted medical benefits not only while they are receiving income assistance but for one full year after they stop receiving monthly cheques.

Why is it that our senior citizens are always overlooked, when infants and the elderly are the most at risk to viruses, air quality pollutants and every day common injuries?

Yet they receive less than young healthy people who are on welfare? I find it unfair that people like my parents are frowned upon when they are seen at the food bank and bread line more than once a month because they had to pay for their medication to maintain their diabetes or medication for mental illness.

Both these types of medication are crucial in order to maintain quality of life, yet they are forced to choose because the pension they paid into for 50 years does not include medical.

Their tax dollars have contributed to paying people on welfare cheques - that is not right.

Something needs to be done about this. Someone needs to speak up for our elders.

Naomi MacRae

Prince George