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Poll results:

Which approach should council take when deciding on a new Civic Core plan?

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618 total votes   Added

Go with city staff's Option 1, with a new arena beside the Civic Centre and a performing arts centre where Kopar Memorial Arena is now 62 votes 10.03%
Go with city staff's Option 2, with the new arena built on the Kopar site and the performing arts centre beside the Civic Centre 54 votes 8.74%
Go with Mayor Simon Yu's more ambitious proposal, which also includes a transit hub and an IMAX theatre atop Connaught Hill 62 votes 10.03%
Reconsider the citizen committee-led plan developed in 2022, which brought Studio 2880 and the PG Playhouse downtown 48 votes 7.77%
Start over again and come up with a better plan 111 votes 17.96%
Do nothing - the city should spend taxpayers' dollars on more important things 281 votes 45.47%

The Prince George Citizen poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Prince George or other areas.