It’s been at the core of everything AiMHi has done since it was established in 1957.
AiMHi is committed to delivering a wide range of services by a team of 450-plus employees who help support more than 700 people in Prince George and Mackenzie.
But due to the effects of the COVID-19 virus that has shifted the way they provide care, AiMHi is seeking qualified and committed team members to help bolster their ranks.
“We are in the business of providing essential services for people who have diverse abilities,” says Fraser Deacon, AiMHi’s human resources manager.
“We play such an important role in supporting the day-to-day lives of many people in the community.
“We work diligently to enable people to have a great life,” Deacon says.
“Essentially, we run a business of care. And it takes dedicated people to help provide that.”
AiMHi employees are caring, community-minded, innovative, and have a great sense of fun and team work. Helping people live a great life in the community is their most important goal.
And AiMHi is looking for help from people who excel in these interests.
They must have completed at least Grade 12, be 19 years of age, hold a BC Class 5 Drivers License, and either have personal or work experience with people who have diverse abilities.
“AiMHi has adapted during this challenging time to continue to provide safe and essential support on a 24/7 basis,” Deacon says, adding the current recruitment drive is to attract dedicated people to join their team.
“We are an employer of choice and provide wages, benefits, pension entitlements, and a rewarding work environment for those that have a passion for caring.”
For more information about AiMHi and to find out if you fit into their recruitment needs, visit their website at, email [email protected] or call 250-564-6408.