Whether you are considering moving to Prince George, you’ve just moved in or you’ve been living here for years, at some point, you will likely need to draw upon the services of professional experts.
You may need an accountant to assist you with your personal taxes or to help you as you launch a new small business.
You may need a lawyer to advise you if you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident (or an autobody shop to fix your vehicle, for that matter).
If you’re just moving to Prince George or you’re planning to upsize or downsize your home, you’ll likely need the assistance of a mortgage broker and a real estate agent… you get the idea.
Once you’ve found the home of your dreams, (or the almost-home-of-your-dreams), you may need the services of an interior decorator, a painting company, a contractor or a moving company to assist with the transition into your new space.
While the World Wide Web can be a great tool for locating these services in your area, it’s advisable to also seek recommendations from acquaintances, friends and family. To take it a step further, you could also refer to Prince George Matters’ directory of professional experts. Here, we’ve done the groundwork for you to list the top professionals and service-providers in the area.
We trust this resource will make achieving your personal and professional goals that much easier—and more enjoyable.