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Derek Ruttle

Derek Ruttle

Derek Ruttle is an award-winning journalist, columnist, and photographer who is entering his 17th year in the news industry, having started at The Outlook in early 2007. An avid watcher of the skies and the prairie landscape, Ruttle is typically seen with his trusty camera as he enjoys snapping photos of what's happening just above us and capturing life in this part of the world. His skills of writing and telling stories started at a young age, and he attended film school in 2005 in Victoria, British Columbia. When Derek entered the news biz, he quickly found a whole new admiration for his hometown area as he dug deeper and gained a wider perspective of Saskatchewan through writing and reporting the events of Outlook and communities dotting the Lake Diefenbaker area. Ruttle believes that it's the job of the media to stay on the fence and firmly neutral on all matters in a world where too many in the press choose instead to stand on one side or the other.

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