Highway 29 between Fort St. John and Hudson's Hope has reopened to single-lane alternating traffic, though a major washout remains near the Halfway River bridge.
The washout is reported west of the bridge, and motorists are asked to obey traffic control and drive with caution. DriveBC says geotechnical invesigations are underway.
A low pressure storm system dropped the brunt of its might over the Hudson's Hope area: the weather station there recorded 87.4mm, while the Graham forestry site recorded 88mm.
The storm was on the northwest side of the same weather system that pummelled Calgary over the weekend with 48.7mm of rain in a single hour, along with hail up to the size of tennis balls that destroyed cars and homes.
The storm is tapering off toward Dease Lake and the southern Yukon. A remnant band of rain showers in the area will bring rain to some areas today.
BC Hydro is building a new bridge at Halfway River for Site C. Motorists in the area say water is being diverted down the highway ditch toward the work area for the bridge, raising worries about the potential for flooding there.
"The washout on Highway 29 is not related to the Site C project," said spokesman Dave Conway. "As far as we are aware, there have been no impacts on construction work in the area resulting from the highway closure."
Other roads in the area are also under stress, including the Upper Cache Creek road.