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Giscome Elementary students, staff at Blackburn due to train derailment east of Prince George

Elementary school was evacuated after CN rail cars went off the tracks
Train derailment - Giscome Elementary March 5, 2020 5
A train derailment has forced Giscome Elementary School to be evacuated on March 5, 2020. (via Facebook/Jennifer Goold)

A train that derailed near Giscome Elementary yesterday morning (March 5) has forced the school to move its students and staff closer to Prince George to finish the learning week.

The school is being re-routed to Blackburn Elementary for today (March 6) after roughly 20 cars went off the tracks at the Upper Fraser rail-intersection, which is the only road that accesses to the school.

The incident forced Giscome to shut down until the road re-opens and students were evacuated to Willow River Church.

According to School District 57 (SD57), buses are set to pick up students at regular times this morning and transport them to Blackburn, located more than 35 km southwest of Giscome.

However, the district says students living beyond the road closure won’t get picked up, ‘nor be expected to attend school,’ the statement adds, which also includes older kids that attend Prince George Secondary.

More information is available on SD57’s website, along with updates for Monday’s (March 9) start to the new school week.

Meanwhile, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) says it's deploying an investigation team to the northern B.C. derailment.

CN Rail has also apologized for the inconvenience and says there’s no danger to public safety as a result.